(970) 4160196

– Radon is the leading ‘environmental’ cause for cancer, meaning that of all cancers caused by the environment in mankind radon causes the most cancers. It also means that these are preventable cancers that can be prevented simply by lowering the exposure to radon. The major source for exposure to radon is the air inside homes we live. Prevention therefore starts by making sure your home is low in radon. The EPA recommendation is to mitigate a home if the radon concentration in the air is measured 4.0 pCi/L or higher, and to consider mitigation if the concentration is between 2.0 and 4.0 pCi/L, in the lowest lived-in level of the house that is frequently used.

Radon causes more than 21,000 radon related cases of lung cancer in the United States every year according to the EPA, and more than 500 cases in the state of Colorado according to the CDPHE.

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