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Current number of radon laws on the books in Colorado.

My December 30, 1919, blog stated that there are 26 municipalities with radon laws in Colorado, last I checked (and this was actually several years ago). A recent request to the Radon State representative, Chrys Kelly, provided me with the information that this number is much higher now. She told me that currently there are 38 Cities and 16 Counties with a radon law in Colorado. Since in Colorado there are 64 Counties, this means that 1/4 of the counties have now a radon law on the books. Colorado currently has 271 incorporated municipalities, comprising 196 towns, 73 cities, and two consolidated city and county governments. This means 1 in 5 municipalities has some type of radon law on the books. Considering that was 0 in 2002, 2 in 2005, and 26 by 2015, the current number, 54, shows a more than steady increase in protection over the years, with no saturation in sight.


Dr. L. Moorman is president and founder of Radon Home Measurement and Mitigation, Inc. He is a leader in the radon industry for over 20 years. He has a Ph.D. in Physics.

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